Wastewater data is coming.
To see historical COVID data for Butte County, click Show discontinued data at the bottom of the page.
Note: The timeline above includes some notable one-off events. These should not be assumed to be the cause of any outbreak without word from the county. We do not have contact tracing information.
Regular activities with large crowds, including bar visits, parties, and farmers markets, could be a more significant contributor to the spread of the virus.
This is no longer updated due to lack of available data.
NOTE: Hospital/ICU information comes from the state, and lags a day behind.
Sources: Butte County Dashboard, State Hospitals Dashboard, State Skilled Nursing Facilities
This is no longer updated due to lack of available data.
NOTE: The number of tests performed is MORE THAN the number of people tested! There is no public data on the number of people tested.
Source: Butte County Dashboard
This is no longer updated due to lack of available data.
This only covers vaccines coordinated through Butte County Public Health. It is generally updated weekly. Number of administered doses may be delayed several days.
Source: Butte County Dashboard
This is no longer updated due to lack of available data.
This is no longer updated due to lack of available data.
Growth of the spread by age group and region, based on county data.
Source: Butte County Dashboard
This is no longer updated due to lack of available data.
Source: Butte County Jail COVID-19 Page